Back to Intro to Storybook
  • Get started
  • Simple component
  • Composite component
  • Data
  • Conclusion
  • Contribute


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Congratulations! You created your first UI in Storybook. Along the way you learned how to build and compose UI components.

📕 GitHub repo: chromaui/learnstorybook-code

Storybook is a powerful tool for React Native, React, Vue, Angular, Svelte and many others frameworks. It has a thriving developer community and a wealth of addons. This introduction scratches the surface of what’s possible. We’re confident that once you adopt Storybook, you’ll be impressed by how productive it is to build durable UIs.

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Want to dive deeper? Here are helpful resources.

Who made the Intro to Storybook tutorial?

This tutorial was contributed by Daniel Williams in collaboration with the Chromatic team. The tutorial was inspired by the React tutorial.

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