Back to Intro to Storybook
  • Get started
  • Simple component
  • Composite component
  • Data
  • Screens
  • Deploy
  • Visual Testing
  • Addons
  • Conclusion
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Storybook for Angular tutorial

Set up Angular Storybook in your development environment

Storybook runs alongside your app in development mode. It helps you build UI components isolated from the business logic and context of your app. This edition of the Intro to Storybook tutorial is for Angular; other editions exist for React, React Native, Vue, Svelte and Ember.

Storybook and your app

Set up Angular Storybook

We'll need to follow a few steps to get the build process set up in our environment. To start with, we want to use degit to set up our build system. Using this package, you can download "templates" (partially built applications with some default configuration) to help you fast track your development workflow.

Let’s run the following commands:

# Clone the template
npx degit chromaui/intro-storybook-angular-template taskbox

cd taskbox

# Install dependencies
npm install
💡 This template contains the necessary styles, assets and bare essential configurations for this version of the tutorial.

Now we can quickly check that the various environments of our application are working properly:

# Start the component explorer on port 6006:
npm run storybook

# Run the frontend app proper on port 4200:
ng serve

Our main frontend app modalities: component development (Storybook), and the application itself.

Main modalities

Depending on what part of the app you’re working on, you may want to run one or more of these simultaneously. Since our current focus is creating a single UI component, we’ll stick with running Storybook.

Commit changes

At this stage it's safe to add our files to a local repository. Run the following commands to initialize a local repository, add and commit the changes we've done so far.

git init

Followed by:

git add .


git commit -m "first commit"

And finally:

git branch -M main

Let's start building our first component!

Keep your code in sync with this chapter. View e14c490 on GitHub.
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Next Chapter
Simple component
Build a simple component in isolation
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